The maximum permissible weight of the unit when fully loaded. This includes all fluids, cargo, optional equipment and accessories. Please note: For safety and product performance do NOT exceed the GVWR.
The maximum permissible weight, including cargo, fluids, optional equipment and accessories that can be safely supported by a combination of all axles.
The large storage area underneath your RV’s floor, the basement is accessible from the outside storage doors.
The amount of waste water from the toilet that your RV’s black water tank can hold.
Dining area which consists of bench seats on opposite sides and a table in-between. Many RVs have booth dinettes that convert to an extra sleeping space.
Refers to the floorplan style of an RV that has bunk beds.
Describes an RV where air conditioning is supplied through ducts in the ceiling and vents throughout the RV.
Describes an RV where heat is supplied through ducts in the floor and vents throughout the RV.
This term describes an RV whose bottom surface has been closed shut or insulated to help protect against temperature changes.
Dining area with individual chairs and a table in-between.
The amount of drinkable water an RV’s fresh water tank can hold.
The amount of used water from the kitchen sink, bathroom sink or shower that an RV’s gray water tank can hold.
Floor-to-ceiling measurement inside an RV.
Front to back measurement of an RV.
The number of sleeping spaces in an RV. There are several different types of sleeping arrangements available. Examples include standard queen and king size beds, hide-a-bed or jack-knife sofa beds, convertible booth dinettes, and drop-down bunks.
Expanding walls or sections of an RV. Slide-outs create additional living area within the RV.
RVs that are pulled by large pick-up trucks with a special fifth wheel hitch located in the bed of the truck. Because of this hitch, they have a raised forward section where you’ll typically find a bedroom or living room.
RVs that are towed by a bumper hitch or a frame hitch that extends from the front of the trailer.
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